Akshaya Tritiya

 Akshaya Tritiya

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akti or Akha Teej is a highly auspicious and sacred day for the Hindu and Jain Communities. It falls on the third Tithi (lunar day) of Bright Half (Shukla Paksha) of Vaisakha month. It is observed as an auspicious time regionally by Hindus and Jains in India and Nepal, as signifying the "third day of unending prosperity". Since it is considered to be the most auspicious day, all the activities (spiritual or material) undertaken on this day bring desired results. It offers the best time especially for those engaged in spiritual activities like Meditation, Yoga, Japa, Reading Scriptures and the like.

As per Vedic literature, any auspicious day must be utilized for cultivating spiritual strengths. This is done through reading of scriptures, special pujas, the family deity worship (Ishta Dev), charities, offering homage to one's ancestors, associated with devotees, feeding Brahmins, planting and watering trees, feeding the poor, sponsoring education and the like.

Akshay Tritiya falls on the third lunar day of Shukla Paksha of Vaishakha Month Akshaya Tritiya Puja an (April-May). Parashurama Jayanti is celebrated this month because Lord Vishnu was Incarnated as Parashurama the Warrior to purify this mother earth of the unruly kings that had plagued her with their atrocities. Ganga Saptami is celebrated in this month because she had descended through Shiva to purify the ancestors of King Bhagirath. Chaitra Purnima in this month is dedicated to Lord Yama purifies the sinned. On this day Sun and Moon are at the height of their brightness. The brightness of the Sun is like consciousness in the body and that of the Moon is like that strength of one's mind. 

Akshaya Tritiya Significance:

In Sanskrit, the word "Akshaya" (अक्षय्य) means “never endingness” in the sense of "prosperity, hope, joy, success", while Tritiya means "the third phase of the moon". It is named after the "third lunar day" of the spring month of Vaisakha in the Hindu calendar, the day it is observed.

Results of activity on this day do not diminish. Instead, they multiply. According to scriptures, there are two kinds of activities. One pertains to one's body (physical/material) and the other to one's soul (spiritual). The former is subject to erosion (impermanent in nature) and the latter is associated with eternal bliss (permanent in nature). Results from activities associated with the body are not permanent where those from activities associated with one's true nature (soul) are permanent and never diminish. Therefore, the benefits of performing Meditation, Japa, Yajna, Pitra-Tarpan (offerings to one's ancestors), Dan-Punya (Charities) on this day are permanent because they satisfy one's inner self (soul).

Akshaya Tritiya Puja and Yagna:

Akshaya Tritiya is said to the most auspicious day of the year. Any charity or good act performed, or gold purchased or puja conducted on this day never diminishes and continues to grow or appreciate. It is day is ruled by Lord Vishnu. He is worshipped along with Laxmi and Kuber on this day. According to Hindu mythology, Treta Yuga began on Akshaya Tritiya day.

Why is Akshaya Tritiya Celebrated?

Jain tradition

Lord Rishabhdev is considered the founder of Jain philosophy.

Jainism commemorates Lord Rishabha, the first Jain Tirthankara, who broke His year-long fast on this day by sipping on Sugarcane juice. Lord Rishabha was actually a King who renounced everything when He realized the truth that death is inevitable. This day is celebrated by the Jain community in honor of Lord Rishabha. Some Jains refer to the festival as Varshi Tapa.

A one anna coin issued by the British-Indian government depicting Rishabhanatha, first Jain Tirthankara, accepting sugarcane juice from King Shreyans

Hindu tradition

Akshaya Tritiya is considered a very powerful and auspicious day and is celebrated by Hindus and Jains in India, Nepal, and the rest of the World for new ventures, marriages, and expensive investments in gold or other property, and any new beginnings. It is also a day of remembrance for the loved ones who have died. The day is regionally significant for women, married or unmarried, who pray for the well-being of the men in their lives or the one they may in the future get engaged to. After prayers, they distribute germinating gram (sprouts), fresh fruits, and Indian sweets. If the Akshaya Tritiya falls on a Monday (Rohini), the festival is believed to be even more auspicious. Fasting, charity, and helping others on this day is another festive practice. In Hinduism, the Akshaya Tritiya festival has many significant events/incidences connected to it

1) The iconic Indian Epic Mahabharata was narrated by Rishi Veda Vyasa to Lord Ganesha to write. It was on the day of Akshaya Tritiya that the narration and writing commenced.

2) Lord Krishna's close childhood friend, Sudama, was extremely poor and the Lord was the King of Dwarka. An interesting Akshaya Tritiya's story says that once Sudama decided to visit his friend Lord Krishna, he requested some financial help. As they were meeting after several years Sudama carried a gift. The gift was some Poha (flat rice) made by his wife when Sudama arrived. Lord Krishna personally went to receive him from the gates and presented him with Royal treatment and hospitality. It is depicted in the story that Lord Krishna washed Sudama's tired feet Himself Sudama was extremely conscious of his gift but Lord Krishna with child-like enthusiasm snatched it from him and ate happily ate the Poha. The two friends spent some memorable time together Upon returning Sudama found his mere hut of a house was transformed into a proper house, his children and wife were in good clothes and there was money and wealth, which never diminished. Thus Sudama was gifted by Lord Krishna with unending prosperity and wealth. This happened on the day of Akshaya Tritiya, a day of unending wealth, by the grace of Lord Krishna.

3) Legend has it that when the Pandavas were in exile in the jungle, Yudhishtira, the eldest of Pandavas was presented by Surya Devta (Sun God), with an Akshaya Patra, a bowl that could produce an inexhaustible supply of food. Thus the Pandavas never had to go hungry, even though they were in the jungle.

4) Lord Kuber was granted the prestigious post of being in charge and control of Heavenly wealth and treasures on the day of Akshaya Tritiya. Though Kubera was a Demon or Rakshasha He was promoted to the status of Lordship. Thus Lord Kubera is worshipped on Akshaya Tritiya to be blessed with opulence, wealth, treasures, luxuries, and to ensure the increase and protection of wealth.

5) One of the ten Lord Vishnu's Avatar, Parasurama was born on Akshaya Tritiya, in the Treta Yug.

6) On the Day of Akshaya Tritiya. Goddess Ganga River Ganga) agreed to descend to Earth being pleased with King Bhagiratha's austere penance. Her force of flow was so strong that it could have flooded the Earth. Bhagiratha then requested Lord Siva to help. Lord Shiva contained Goddess Ganga's flow in His matted hair. Thus Ganga flowed down to Earth with a controlled force, and till now keeps us in India supplied with limitless water and food.

In Odisha, Akshay Tritiya is celebrated for the commencement of sowing of paddy for the ensuing Kharif season. The day starts with ritual worship of mother Earth, the bullocks, other traditional farm equipment, and seeds for blessings of a good harvest. After plowing in the fields, the sowing of paddy seeds is done as a symbolic start for the most important Kharif crop of the state. This ritual is called Akhi Muthi Anukula (Akhi - Akshay Tritiya; Muthi - fistful of paddy; Anukula - commencement or inauguration) and is celebrated with much fanfare throughout the state. In recent years the event has received much publicity due to ceremonial Akhi Muthi Anukula programs organized by farmers’ organizations and political parties. The construction of chariots for the Ratha Yatra festivities of Jagannath Temple also commences from this day at Puri.

Benefits of Akshaya Tritiya Pujas:

·         Attracts wealth, money, and richness

·        Offers wisdom, intelligence and prosperity

·        Best for success in business and career

·        Offers blessings of Lord Narayana and Goddess Laxmi

·        For protection, good health, and happy family life

·        For success and removal of obstacles in Business and Career

·        For spiritual upliftment and benefits

·        ➤For protection and relief from diseases

Happy Akshaya Tritiya, everyone.

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